S Files Pro X

Change Log

Some versions are relased gradually. Hence, not all the users will get the latest version as soon as it is released. The latest version of the app will have the most up to date change log, and it can be accessed from Settings -> Change Log.

            ## Change Log history

            **Changelog for Version 3.14 (August 12, 2023)**
              * Renamer rules row is hidden when there are no rules.
              * Command Palette improvements. It does not filter the list of commands when browsing the options by keyboard.
              * Miscellaneous improvements.
              * Updated Spanish translation. Thanks to Damián Roig!

            **Changelog for Version 3.13 (August 8, 2023)**
              * Added S Renamer - a bulk renamer to rename multiple files with various rules.
              * Fixed - Some commands such as Select All stopped working.

            **Changelog for Version 3.12 (August 5, 2023)**
              * Added experimental setting (ColumnModeColumnWidth) to resize the column width in column mode.
              * Updated Spanish translation. Thanks to Damián Roig!

            **Changelog for Version 3.11 (July 31, 2023)**
              * Added experimental Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+K) to type commands and execute it. Execute commands such as copying, pasting, deleting, and many more.
              * Added Internal Viewer options (internalViewerTextFileExtensionsWithPeriod, internalViewerImageFileExtensionsWithPeriod, internalViewerAudioFileExtensionsWithPeriod, internalViewerVideoFileExtensionsWithPeriod, internalViewerPDFFileExtensionsWithPeriod) to edit list of file extensions associated with internal text editor, image viewer, audio player, video player, and PDF viewer.
              * Middle mouse button (i.e., mouse wheel) click now opens clicked folder in a new tab.
              * Tabs with search results are restored correctly now. Search filters are also saved per tab.
              * Added experimental auto start with windows option. Enabling this should should auto start the app with startup or user login.
              * Updated German (de-DE) translation. Thanks to Parasec!
              * Updated Spanish translation. Thanks to Damián Roig!
              * Updated Chinese Simplified (zh-Hans) translation. Thanks to Fairycn!

            **Changelog for Version 3.10 (July 22, 2023)**
              * Added experimental setting to enable column mode.
              * Improved reliability of keyboard accelerators (shortcuts), e.g. some shortcuts such as Ctrl+S did not used to work when any item is selected in a tab.
              * Updated Spanish translation. Thanks to Damián Roig!
              * Other minor improvements.

            **Changelog for Version 3.9 (June 19, 2023)**
              * Added tab setting ShowFileOperationToolbar to show/hide file operation toolbar.
              * Added tab setting ShowViewOptionsToolbar to show/hide view options toolbar.
              * Added new general setting (StartMaximized) to start the app with maximized window.
              * The app now remembers the window size and position from the last launch.
              * Redesigned internal text editor.
              * Internal text editor now have grid splitter to resize the file list column, text edit column, and markdown preview column.
              * Fixed issue that the text editor showed the save changes dialog even after switching to another file that does not have any unsaved changes.
              * Added separate close button to close the setings window. This will avoid the confusion that the app close button is the settings close button.
              * Experimental settings added to show bookmarks (pinned items and more) from Windows File Explorer.
              * Fixed: Double clicking dll files used to bring the pop up twice (if No was selected in the first pop up). 

            **Changelog for Version 3.8 (June 17, 2023)**
              * Updated WinAppSDK from 1.3.1 to 1.3.2 which should improve performance of the app.
              * Updated Microsoft.AppCenter.Analytics from 5.0.1 to 5.0.2.
              * Updated Microsoft.AppCenter.Crashes from 5.0.1 to 5.0.2.
              * Updated System.Text.Json from 7,0.2 to 7.0.3.

            **Changelog for Version 3.7 (June 10, 2023)**
              * Added/Updated keyboard shortcuts
                - Ctrl + Shift + L now launches Windows Terminal (instead of Ctrl + L)
                - Ctrl + L (Or Alt + D) is now used to select the address bar (instead of opening command prompt)
                - Ctrl + E will now highlight the Search/Filter bar in tab page.
                - Ctrl + Left will select previous pane.
                - Ctrl + Right will select next pane.
                - Alt + H will switch between vertical and horizontal pane mode.
              * Updated Spanish translation. Thanks to Damián Roig!

            **Changelog for Version 3.6 (June 7, 2023)**
              * Dragging items to the tab header (title text area) now switches to the tab. The items can also be dropped there to move (or copy if Ctrl is pressed). This will not work for a home page.
              * The window can now be dragged from the tab footer (the empty area on the right side of all tabs) as well as the status bar.
              * Added setting to adjust the height of the title bar (TitleBarStripHeight) for dragging when the content extends to the title bar.
              * Some settings items are reorganized.
              * Updated Spanish translation. Thanks to Damián Roig!
              * Updated Chinese Traditional translations (Hans and zh-TW). Thanks to TGi!

            **Changelog for Version 3.5 (June 5, 2023)**
              * Properties panes can now be resized (draggable region at the left edge of the pane).
              * Bookmark bar can now be resized using draggable region at the right edge of the bar. Note that the bookmark/side bar can already be resized from Settings -> General. This will make it easier and more intuitive to resize it.

            **Changelog for Version 3.4 (June 4, 2023)**
              * Added Shortcuts (and features):
                - Ctrl+Tab to cycle through tabs.
                - Ctrl+W to close current tab (in addition to the existing shortcut: Ctrl+F4)
                - Ctrl+Shift+H to switch the pane mode in reverse direction (Triple -> Dual -> Single). This in addition to the existing shortcut (Ctrl+H) to switch the pane mode (Single -> Dual -> Triple).
                - Ctrl+Shift+T to restore closed tabs (one at a time). This will also switch the pane mode if necessary.
              * Application shortcuts with parameters should launch properly now.
              * Shortcuts such as .lnk, .appref-ms, and .url now has an overlay to indicate that they are shortcuts. Other extensions can be added in ShortcutFileExtensions in the config.
              * Added several extensions to be executed directly in a new config variable ExecutableList: ".bat", ".exe", ".com", ".exe", ".bat", ".cmd", ".vbs", ".vbe", ".js", ".jse", ".wsf", ".wsh", ".psc1", ".msc.
              * .bat file should be executed properly in more scenario (working directory is set now).
              * Removed .cmd file from internal text editor list.
              * Neighboring launch is now enabled for only a select list of file extensions (NeighboringFilesQueryExtensions) to improve file opening performance for all other file types.
              * Readded experimental option to enable system context menu - This will show the Window's Classic context menu. This is in addition to the integrated system context menu.
              * Updated Turkish translation by MT.

            **Changelog for Version 3.3 (June 2, 2023)**
              * Added a triple pane mode in addition to the dual pane and single pane modes. Triple pane mode would be a perfect choice for ultrawide monitors. Try Ctrl+H to switch between a single pane, dual pane, and triple pane modes.

            **Changelog for Version 3.2 (May 29, 2023)**
              * This update should fix the issue of icons not showing up during the first app launch.
              * Continuous playback of audio and video files are enabled in the audio player and video player now.
              * In the internal audio player, currently playing audio file is correctly highlighted in the playlist now.

            **Changelog for Version 3.1 (May 28, 2023)**
              * Fixed issue where name of the bookmark was empty for certain locations (such as top folders in network locations or WSL locations).
              * Fixed issue where tab header was not showing a folder name (or other detail).
              * Webp and webm extensions are added for automatically loading thumbnails and opening with internal image viewer and video player. This will only apply to new installs or resets.
              * Holding Shift key while deleting items will now delete the items permanently irrespective of the default delete settings.

            **Changelog for Version 3.0 (May 1, 2023)**
            * S Files (Shrestha Files) Pro X Version 3.0 is a massive update to Shrestha Files Pro X version 2.x. 

            * Default Behavior
              - Some settings, including home page settings, default tab start page, and bookmark order, might have been updated with this new update.
              - Default configuration (out of the box) now has a background image and colorful icons for bookmarks, command buttons, and file/folder items.

            * App Launch Methods
              - Shrestha Files Pro X uses sfiles.exe.
              - Shrestha Files Pro X can now be launched using protocol (e.g., sfiles:C:\Users\ in an internet browser or run window (Win+R) will launch S Files Pro X with C:\Users\ in a new tab (in addition to saved tabs)).

            * App Launch
              - Splash screen now has background color based on the currently selected app theme.
              - Improved app launch performance.

            * General UI
              - Input for rename, new file, etc. will select file name (but not extension) by default.
              - Exclamation mark ["(!)"] is added before the folder name in tab heading if the path is invalid or the folder does not exist anymore.
              - Close button of the selected tab has the theme color background to easily identify the currently selected tab.
              - Removed round border lines from tab pages for a cleaner look.
              - Updated color of border lines of the status bar, progress viewer, log viewer, and update viewer.
              - Status bar, progress viewer, and log viewer also have a cleaner look now instead of solid color background.

            * Backdrops (Mica, Acrylic, etc.)
              - Mica and Mica Alt is available now. Note that they work only in Windows 11. Acrylic works on Windows 11 as well as Windows 10.
              - Context menus have acrylic effect now.
              - Changing application backdrop (such as Mica and Acrylic) does not require restarting app now.
              - Backdrop tint opacity and luminosity opacity should be working more reliably now.
              - Mica backdrop added for the internal viewers.

            * Home Page (This PC)
              - "This PC" in the bookmark, tab, and settings is now called Home to align with Windows File Explorer's terminologies.
              - Drive space usage bar in the home page is thicker as it used to be in v1.
            * Bookmarks
              - Items at the bottom of the bookmarks bar (e.g., save settings, edit bookmarks, etc.) can also have more colorful icons now.
              - Bookmarks editor now shows both simple and colorful glyph icons (that can be edited)
              - More cloud locations are added automatically in the bookmarks now.
              - Default bookmark pane width increased so that longer default bookmarks are visible.
              - Individual bookmark can now be quickly renamed from its context menu.
              - Details of an individual bookmark can now be edited without loading all the bookmarks.
            * Progress Viewer
              - Detailed log in progress viewer shows a color-coded square to indicate success or failure of individual sub-operations.
              - Text wrapping is enabled so that texts are not invisible because of the small width of the progress viewer.
              - Progress viewer is updated to enable more string translation.

            * Internal Video Player
              - Does not show empty playlist area anymore. Playlist is intentionally enabled for the audio players only.
            * Zip Locations
              - Browsing to Zipped locations as a folder is possible now.

            * General Settings
              - Sliders for opacity of selected and unselected panes in light and dark mode.

            * Theme Settings
              - New Windows XP Icon Pack for nostalgia.
              - New background images.
              - Text entry field to enter file extensions for always loading actual thumbnails.
              - Compact mode is now extended to multiple levels of app density: Relaxed, Normal, Compact, and Extra Compact.
              - Alternative icon types are disabled instead of hiding when preferred icon type is not actual thumbnail.
              - Selected standard theme color is now highlighted with rectangular border.

            * Tab Settings
              - Option to use tab view type saved in the bookmark instead of global tab view type.

            * Item Templates Settings
              - Sliders for opacity adjustments for hidden and system items.

            * File Operations Settings
              - Option to enable asking for name while creating a new compressed file.

            * Miscellaneous Settings
              - Slider for time before notification disappears (in milliseconds).
            * Added Experimental Settings in the UI to:
              - Show MTP devices (such as smartphones and camera) in Home Page (uses Storage API).
              - Add shell locations (including Recycle Bin, Network, and Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)) to the bookmarks during app restart.
              - Enabled Integrated System Context Menu. This will show the system context menu items in the list of items. Some context menu items do not work, e.g., ones with sub menu, share, etc.
              - Enable dragging tabs outside main window.
              - Application backdrops including new Mica Alt.
              - Enable unlocking bit locker locked drives (will show a command prompt to enter password to unlock the drive).
              - Make clipboard data available even after the app is closed. This can take a significant amount of time for larger files.
              - Check for update at startup.
              - Load folder items count in properties.
              - Update Drives and Devices Automatically When Connected/Disconnected (Restart Required).
              - Added buttons to set Shrestha Files Pro X as the default file explorer for various scenarios. This feature may not work as expected in all scenarios.
              - Added buttons to reset the default file explorer.
            * Config (Hidden Settings in the Config File)
              - RestoreTabsQuickly: Added option in config to load tabs quickly (or sequentially).
              - EnableTabInTextEditor: Experimental flag added to allow inserting tab in the internal text viewer. Enabling this feature will clear the undo/redo buffer and will also cause the textbox to scroll to a different location.
              - Improved page refresh performance with config parameter: EnableQuickerRefresh
              - Added AutomaticallyReAddLibrariesInBookmarksAtStartup, AutomaticallyReAddDevicesAndDrivesInBookmarksAtStartup, and AutomaticallyReAddCloudLocationsInBookmarksAtStartup to enable/disable automatically adding corresponding bookmark items at the app startup once user removed them manually.
            * Special Locations
              - Added Option to add "Special Locations" in the bookmarks in the settings, which can be used to navigate to Shell locations such as Recycle Bin, Libraries, Network, and This PC.
              - This PC will display drives and devices including MTP devices such as smartphones and tablets.
              - [KNOWN ISSUE] Clicking in Network will freeze the app until network scanning is complete.
              - Libraries section displays more authentic version of the libraries from Windows File Explorer.
              - Recycle bin will display deleted items. 
              - [Bonus] Unlike Windows File Explorer, users can navigate inside the deleted folders in the Recycle bin.
              - Users can delete items permanently by deleting it from the Recycle bin. Prompt will show up for each item to be deleted.
              - Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) locations can be browsed, if installed.

            * Recycle Bin
              - Can navigate to the Recycle bin by enabling to add special locations at startup from Experimental settings or by manually typing path "::{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}".
              - Recycle bin can now be emptied using context menu option in a Recycle Bin tab page.

            * Miscellaneous Improvements
              - Massive refactoring/rewriting of all file operations, such as copy, cut, paste, rename, delete, new file, and new folder to improve their performances, usability, and reliability for various types of locations.
              - Launching (double clicking) a shortcut to a folder (*.lnk) navigates to the target folder instead of launching Windows File Explorer.
              - Breadcrumb trails are now updated to support Shell and Storage locations (including for MTP locations).
              - Newly created files such as File.txt is not locked by the app anymore, i.e., it can be deleted, etc. from other apps.
              - When navigating Shell or Storage location, if the location is supported by more mature and reliable API (File IO), it switches back to the more mature and reliable API.
              - Improved error checking in various places.
              - Improved icon retrieval performance for hidden and/or system files/folders. 
              - Improved tab loading performance.
              - Smarter loading of tabs during app startup.
              - Theme switching should be more reliable now.
              - Neighborhood File Query is disabled for .bat file so that it will launch instead of showing Open With.
              - Removed .bat files from internal text viewer association so that they will execute by default.
              - Tooltip details of file/folders are translated now.
              - Keyboard focus is now properly set to the items after navigating to any folder, so that keyboard shortcuts can be used to quickly navigate.

            * Bug Fixes	
              - Sort by is checked now in context menu as expected.
              - Tapping an item (not just an empty space) in an unselected pane also highlights the pane.
              - Using item size with unit (KB, MB, etc.) was resulting in no items found in extended search model.
              - Breadcrumb trail text color not updating correctly while switching theme (light/dark).
              - Hyperlink texts (non-markdown) are readable now (pointer over or not) for hyperlinks of certain type.
              - Hyperlink texts in markdown are also readable now (pointer over or not) as long as the background color is not blue.
              - Simple glyph for some bookmark items were disappearing after editing bookmarks.
              - Double pane did not get closed to a single pane after resetting the app.
              - Text wrapping enabled in Preferred Recent File Icon Type in the Theme Settings.
              - Tab title in the tab header now updates consistently in all scenarios.
              - Improved crash handling.
              - Fixed regression: File with long name did not open anymore.
              - Fixed regression: Tab header for search was not showing search prefix.
              - Fixed: Search was not returning any result when the max file size was not set.
              - Fixed: In command line launch paths with space were not launching properly.
            * Set Shrestha Files Pro X as default file explorer
              - This feature may not work as expected in all scenarios. Proceed with caution and have some understanding of how Registry works if you would like to try this feature.
              - Setting Shrestha Files as the Default File Explorer (e.g., for opening folders and for Win+E shortcuts). 
              - When any path is supplied while launching file explorer (e.g., Open Folder in downloads of internet browsers), if there is an instance of the app already running, a new tab will be added to the app. If the app is not running, it will launch the app with the new tab as well as all saved tabs.

            * Updated Translations
              - Updated Chinese Simplified (zh-Hans) translation. Thanks to Fairycn!
              - Updated Italian (it) translation. Thanks to Alessandro!
              - Updated Spanish (es) translation. Thanks to Dami n Roig!
              - Updated German (de-DE) translation. Thanks to Parasec!

            * Dependency Updates
              - Updated Microsoft WinAppSDK to version 1.3.1
              - Updated Microsoft Json to 7.0.2


            * The remaining information is mostly focused on the status of the implementation to access Shell and Storage locations. Shell APIs and Storage APIs are ways to access files stored in various locations including MTP locations.

            * MTP (Tablets and Phones) Access: Shell Vs Storage
              - MTP devices can be accessed in two ways: using Shell API as well as Storage API. The "Special Locations" will access it using Shell Location. The original "Home" will access it using Storage API.
              - To enable MTP access from Storage API, make sure to turn on "Show MTP Devices in Home Page" in Experimental Settings, and restart the app (if the connected MTP device does not show up).
              - MTP access using Storage API is more mature implementation and feature rich while MTP access using Shell API is faster and may lack some features as of now.
              - MTP access using the traditional Home tab enables most of the regular file operations (e.g., copy, paste, new file, new folder, thumbnails) while MTP access using Shell API lacks some features (e.g., thumbnails, item sorting by default, etc.)

            * Working Features (Shell and Storage Locations)
              - Most features that works for other regular locations (e.g., C:\) works in Shell and Storge Locations, including those that are not directly supported by MTP protocol.
              - Navigation: Back, Forward, Up (to parent folder, including double clicking in empty area), Refresh, (double) click to navigate inside folder.
              - Filter items by keyword
              - Create new folder
              - Creating New files and template files
              - Moving items to MTP locations is possible.
              - Copy items to clipboard
              - Paste (items from non-shell or storage location)
              - Copying and pasting items from "OR" to MTP locations
              - Pasting images and texts from clipboard (may not work reliably).
              - Drag and drop to or from a MTP location
              - Rename
              - Share
              - Delete
              - Properties Viewer
              - Selection (select all, invert selection, unselect all)
              - Sorting by field and sort order (ascending and descending)
              - Tab view type (tiles, small grids, etc.)
              - Copy Path (if path is available)
              - Bookmark tab (if path is available - may not be reliable in all cases)
              - Opening items with external viewers
              - Open Folder in a new tab
              - "Open With" for folder to launch folder in the Windows Explorer (as with any other location)
              - Progress viewer works, but some operation may show file name instead of full path, and paths may be inaccurate.

            * Features Working in Storage
              - Search
              - Auto sorting of files/folders

            * Features Working in Shell
              - Navigate to address by Shell Path: (e.g., Shell path for Recycle bin is "::{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}")

            * Known Issues (Shell Locations)
              - Auto sorting of files/folders
              - Search
              - File operations may not always follow settings such as "Always permanently delete" or generate unique names.
              - Thumbnails are not generated for Shell locations.
              - Deleting items will show Windows Prompts in various cases including multiple prompts for deleting multiple items.
              - Items are not sorted by default (needs to be manually sorted after loading).
              - Some information, such as Date Created, may not be accurate for items in the Recycle bin (and possibly other Shell Locations).
              - Some features may not be implemented in Shell locations including Recycle Bin (e.g., Creating new item is not disabled, but will not work as expected).

            * Known Issues (Shell and Storage Locations)
              - Cut/Paste/Move
              - Copying and pasting items from "AND" to MTP locations
              - Drag and drop to AND from a MTP location
              - Bookmarks will not work for MTP locations (as they may not have proper path).
              - Tabs with shell or storage locations may not be restored property (as some locations may not have proper path).
              - Command Prompts cannot be started in some shell or storage locations
              - Items added or removed from shell or storage location (via copy, delete, new, etc.) may not show up reliably without refreshing the tab.
              - Open with does not work reliably in shell and storage locations.
              - Internal viewers cannot be launched for files in shell and Storage locations.
              - Moving item from MTP location is not possible.
              - In progress viewer, some operation may show file name instead of full path, and paths may be inaccurate.
              - In properties viewer, deep item count and size retrieval might take significantly longer than time it takes for regular location.

            * Known Issues for MTP Locations and Relevant Potential Privacy Concerns
              - Both Shell location and MTP location does not directly support a few file operations, such as, creating new file or new template-based file, saving text or image from clipboard. As such, these operations are first performed in temporary location in the app's directory before moving them to the actual MTP location.
              - Because of this type of operations, some files/folders may remain in the apps temporary directory if the operation is not complete successfully. This temporary location "should" be cleaned up by Windows automatically.
              - Some operations such as copy/paste to MTP locations may show weird and unreliable behavior because of this workaround for file operations in MTP locations. For example, if a file named "File.txt" remains in the temporary location because of previous operation failure, the new files created in the new location may have file name of "File 01.txt" instead of "File.txt".
              - Some shell operations do not return names of the new files, so educated guesses are made to identify the name of the file before moving it to the desired location. This can fail in various scenarios resulting in incorrect file operations (e.g., copies previous copy of file left in the temporary location instead of the new copy of the file because they have same name).
            * Other Known Issues
              - File operations are not implemented for locations inside the zip file.


            ## Change Log history

            This change log history documents the updates for Version 2.x of Shrestha Files Pro X. Shrestha Files Pro X is the first File Manager app in the Microsoft Store to use WinAppSDK.

            **Changelog for Version 2.19 (February 4, 2023)**
            * In the internal text editor, if changes to the current file are not saved while navigating to another file, the editor suggests to save the changes first.
            * Close button added to search dialog box.
            * Updated German translation. Thanks to Parasec!
            * Updated Spanish translation. Thanks to Damián Roig!
            * Updated Microsoft WinAppSDK to version 1.2.3
            * Updated Microsoft Jason to 7.0.1
            * Updated Community Toolkit MVVM to 8.1.0
            * Updated Community Toolkit Diagnostics to 8.1.0.
            * Updated Microsoft AppCenter Analytics to version 5.0.1
            * Updated Microsoft AppCenter Crashes to version 5.0.1
            **Changelog for Version 2.18 (December 3, 2022)**
            * Image thumbnail list added for the internal image viewer.
            * Max width of item list in the text editor and audio player added.
            * Attempted memory improvement.
            **Changelog for Version 2.17 (November 23, 2022)**
            * Drag and drop is reenabled and should be working as expected now.
            * Readded internal audio player
            * Readded internal video player
            * Added audio list in the internal audio player.
            * Added file list to the text editor.
            * Dependency updates including WinAppSDK 1.1 to WinAppSDK 1.2.
            **Changelog for Version 2.16 (November 11, 2022)**
            * Added feature to paste image and text from clipboard to image file (.png) and text file (.txt), respectively. This would be useful in various circumstances such as when users want to save screenshots somewhere.
            **Changelog for Version 2.15 (November 8, 2022)**
            * Fixed: SVG icons such for buttons such as copy and paste was not updating immediately after the icon theme update from the settings.
            * Fixed: Mismatch between the processor architecture that probably crashed the application in arm64 devices.
            * Fixed: App crash at launch when many tabs were saved.
            * Fixed: Show System Context Menu was showing/hiding Properties Viewer insead of showing the system context menu.
            * Updated Chinese Simplified translation. Thanks to Fairycn!
            * Updated Spanish translation. Thanks to Damián Roig!
            **Changelog for Version 2.14 (November 6, 2022)**
            * Command Prompt can now also be opened for selected folder in addition to the current tab path.
            * Updated status bar texts that can also be localized (translated) now.
            * Fixed: Always load thumbnails for certain file type option was getting ignored.
            * Fixed: Sort order (ascending/descending) in the context menu had opposite icon.
            * Miscellaneous improvements.
            **Changelog for Version 2.13 (November 2, 2022)**
            * Added mouse over animations to toolbar items such as navigation, copy, paste, and delete buttons.
            * Fixed issue where some file operation buttons such as copy and paste were always disabled.
            **Changelog for Version 2.12 (October 30, 2022)**
            * Updated toolbar buttons that uses an improved code base for displaying icons and executing actions such as copy, paste, etc. Updated icons are used by default using a new config option: useNewModularToolbarExperimental.
            * Updated layout templates for file/folder items that uses storage item icon user control for cleaner code.
            * If properties viewer is already visible, clicking Properties context menu now hides the properties viewer.
            * Show properties viewer is now enabled when only at max one item is selected.
            * Paste Option is now enabled/disabled as soon as clipboard content changes.
            * Moved three options to General Settings from Experiemental Settings. These three setting values may reset to default:
              - List Folders First
              - Hide Hidden Files and Folders
              - Hide System Files and Folders
            * New template file creation menus show "Create New Xyz" instead of "Create New Text Document".
            * Fixed: Sort by glyph icon did not update after changing the sort by field selection.
            * Fixed: Colorful command button icons do not show up if the app starts with glyph icons and then switched to colorful icons afterwards.
            * Added New Custom Background Images (Theme Settings). Make sure the Overall Tint Opacity and Overall Opacity (Experimental Settings) are less than 1 (say 0.8) to make those backgrounds visible.
              - Halloween background image by David Menidrey: https://unsplash.com/@cazault
              - Thanksgiving background image by Spencer Davis: https://unsplash.com/@spencerdavis
              - Christmas background image by Tessa Rampersad: https://unsplash.com/@t_rampersad
              - New Year background image by Ameer Basheer: https://unsplash.com/@24ameer
              - Fall Color background image by Johannes Plenio: https://unsplash.com/@jplenio
              - Spring Color background image by Aniket Bhattacharya: https://unsplash.com/@aniket940518
              - Summer Beach background image by Sean Oulashin: https://unsplash.com/@oulashin
              - Winter Snow background image by Ian Schneider: https://unsplash.com/@goian
            * Other miscellaneous fixes
            **Changelog for Version 2.11 (September 17, 2022)**
            * Folder loading issues such as invalid path and access issues are shown as a warning text below the toolbar. This is an improved version of the feature that previously existed in the universal version but was disabled for the Pro X version.
            * Text color of filter text should be more readable now.
            * Updated Spanish translation. Thanks to Damián Roig!
            * Miscellaneous improvements.
            * Updated WinAppSDK from 1.1.4 to 1.1.5.
            * Updated System.Text.Json from 6.0.5 to 6.0.6.
            * Updated CommunityToolkit.Diagnostics from 7.1.2 to 8.0.0.
            * Updated CommunityToolkit.Mvvm from 7.1.2 to 8.0.0.
            **Changelog for Version 2.10 (September 12, 2022)**
            * Added option to create new files using shell item templates, such as Microsoft Word Document and Microsoft PowerPoint Document. However, this list will not be as comprehensive as Windows File Explorer (e.g., New Shortcuts will not be available).
            * Menu items to create new file and folder is now combined to a single item in both toolbar as well as the context menu.
            * While creating new files/folders, the list should scroll to newly created file/folder. This may not work consistently every time.
            * Removed Gradient icon theme. The office theme continues to be shipped.
            * Fixed crashes while clicking rename button and nothing is selected.
            * Miscellaneous improvements.
            * Added Damián Roig to the feedback hero list for continuous feedback and translation.
            **Changelog for Version 2.9 (September 04, 2022)**
            * Added Office and Gradient icon theme. Credits to Icons8!
            * Added option to disable listing folders first.
            * The positions of the standard bookmark items (e.g. libraries, devices and drives, etc.) are restored now. Previously, their location used to be reset to their standard positions after app restart.
            * Tooltip text of the warning about the app instance not being the main instance should show up on mouse over now.
            * Miscellaneous improvements.
            **Changelog for Version 2.8 (September 01, 2022)**
            * Opacity/transparency can be set for hidden and system files/folders. The opacity/transparency values can be changed from config file: HiddenFileFolderOpacityExperimental and SystemFileFolderOpacityExperimental.
            * Added experimental option and config to hide files/folders marked as hidden or system file/folder: HideHiddenFileFolderExperimental and HideSystemFileFolderExperimental. This setting will also apply in search results.
            * Drag and drop is still disabled for files, folders, bookmarks, and tabs. This can be reenabled by updating the config value for EnableMultipleInstance. However, drag and drop will most likely cause the app to crash. This crash cannot be fixed by Shrestha Files developer. Microsoft needs to fix related issue in their platform (WinAppSDK) first.
            **Changelog for Version 2.7 (August 18, 2022)**
            * Drag and drop is disabled for files, folders, bookmarks, and tabs. This can be reenabled by updating the config value for EnableMultipleInstance. However, drag and drop will most likely cause the app to crash. This crash cannot be fixed by Shrestha Files developer. Microsoft needs to fix related issue in their platform (WinAppSDK) first.
            * Path arguments can be passed to the app again. With some registry edits, this will enable launching Shrestha Files Pro X when Windows tries to launch a folder. This will also enable Shrestha Files to launch with additional folder path (e.g., "sfiles.exe C:\" will launch Shrestha Files with saved tabs and another tab for "C:\").
            * Now, only the main instance of the app will save the settings. Other subsequent instances will have a warning sign in the status bar indicating that settings from that instance will not be saved. This will enable launching subsequent instances of the app faster if the settings have multiple tabs saved.
            * Upgraded WinAppSDK to 1.1.4
            **Changelog for Version 2.6 (August 07, 2022)**
            * Experimental option added in the config file (EnableSystemContextMenuExperimental) to show the system context menu for selected files, folders, or current folder (if nothing is selected). This option is disabled by default. This option will likely remain as experimental for quite some time. Some features such as "Send To" does not work. The system context menu does not follow the dark/light theme options. Drive properties will not show up.
            * Upgraded WinAppSDK to 1.1.3.
            * Updated Spanish translation. Thanks to Damián Roig!
            **Changelog for Version 2.5 (July 02, 2022)**
            * KNOWN ISSUE: DRAG AND DROP CRASHES THE APP!! This is a platform bug that cannot be fixed by app developers!
            * Settings for alternative icons for files and folders are indented a bit to communicate that they are subsettings for the corresponding preferred icon types.
            * Updated generic icons for ascending up and down.
            * If environmental variables are not supported, OneDrive will not be added. Some versions of Windows 10 will have this issue.
            * Cloud drives should not have glyph icons instead of no icons.
            * Added shortcut `Ctrl` `L` for "Open Command Prompt" in the shortcuts list.
            * Updated Spanish translation. Thanks to Damián Roig!
            * Fixed: Texts in some settings were not completely visible.
            * Misecellaneous improvements.
              - Fixed spellings of Español and Deutsch.
              - Removed unused string Generic.CS.Message.
            **Changelog for Version 2.4 (June 13, 2022)**
            * Added GUI for Mica/Acrylic/None application backdrop settings in the experimental section. Users can now choose between Mica/Acrylic/None and set tint opacity for the backdrop. The application backdrop switching requires app restart. Note that the previous opacity settings will still be used (and the layers are applied on top of the application backdrop).
            * OneDrive and OneDrive for Business are now added to the Cloud section of the bookmarks automatically. This will be persistent as the libraries and drives. Thus, even if they are removed, they will be readded in the same location when the app is started again. If changes are made to the sub items, they will be saved.
            * Added context menu item to launch command prompt in the current folder (Ctrl + L).
            * Very experimental method added to unlock Bitlocker locked drives. When a bitlocker locked drive is double clicked from the "This PC" page, it will open a Command Prompt that will ask for a password to unlock the drive. Once password is entered it should unlock the drive. Finally, close the Command Prompt to load the drive content in the Tab Page. For this to work, users need to set EnableUnlockBitlockerExperimental value to true in the config file.
            * Miscellaneous improvements.
            **Changelog for Version 2.3 (June 05, 2022)**
            * Progress ring added on the loading screen.
            * Context menu tooltip for "Copy Path" is updated to reflect that it copies the current folder path (if no item is selected) or selected item path (if an item is selected). Non-English translations may not reflect this properly.
            * Added BackgroundType in config file. This can be set to none, acrylic, or mica. This will set the background for the main window. The acrylic background from the settings will be set for pages and content area on top of this. Using values other than none will likely consume more memory and/or processing power. This is an experimental config that is set as none by default for now.
            * Updated Spanish translation. Thanks to Damián Roig!
            * Miscellaneous improvements.
            **hangelog for Version 2.2 (June 04, 2022)**
            * WinAppSDK upgrade from 1.0 to 1.1.
            **Changelog for Version 2.1 (May 24, 2022)**
            * Added Chinese Traditional translation (Hans and zh-TW). Thanks to TGi!
            * Updated Spanish translation. Thanks to Damián Roig!
            * Miscellaneous improvements.
            **Changelog for Version 2.0 (2022 May)**
            * Shrestha Files Pro X (version 2.0) is officially launching with Microsoft Build 2022! This version offers a significant performance improvements, new features, and customization options.
            **Changelog for Version 1.77 (May 13, 2022)**
            * Updated Italian translation, thanks to Alessandro!
            * Updated German translation, thanks to Parasec!
            * Updated Serbian translations, thanks to Bzzrak!
            **Changelog for Version 1.76 (May 12, 2022)**
            * Welcome to a brand-new version of Shrestha Files! This is a major update of Shrestha Files, and it brings a significant performance improvement by utilizing the latest windows platform developed for modern desktop apps. Most of the limitations of the previous version (e.g. not being able to run .exe files, show hidden and system files, etc.) are addressed in this version.
            * Check out the full changelog from About Section of the settings to see numerous improvements made since the last major version of Shrestha Files Pro was released.
            * Feel free to share this update with others and/or write a blog about it.
            **Changelog for Version 1.75 (May 8, 2022)**
            * More changes to ensure the Theme Settings does not crash.
            * Miscellaneous improvements.
            **Changelog for Version 1.74 (May 7, 2022)**
            * Updated logo.
            * Attempted to fix theme setting crash issue again.
            * Miscellaneous improvements.
            **Changelog for Version 1.73 (May 6, 2022)**
            * Theme settings should load faster now.
            * Various colorful font icons are used to indicate the type of files (e.g. text, picture, audio, video, or others).
            * Version numbers bumped to 1.x instead of 0.x to indicate that this is a newer version of the app than the original Shrestha Files Pro. All the changelog documentations is also updated to reflect this.
            * Miscellaneous improvements.
            **Changelog for Version 1.72 (May 5, 2022)**
            * Changes in the libraries bookmark will be saved again.
            * Refined sizes of colorful font icons.
            * Updated Hungarian translation. Thanks to Kristóf Kékesi!
            * Updated Spanish translation. Thanks to Damián Roig!
            * Miscellaneous improvements.
            **Changelog for Version 1.71 (May 02, 2022)**
            * Simple icon selection for bookmarks in the bookmark editor works now (shows a selection of simple glyph icons).
            * Updated Spanish translation. Thanks to Damián Roig!
            * Miscellaneous improvements.
            **Changelog for Version 1.70 (April 30, 2022)**
            * Drag and drop works again to drop items to a folder in a tab.
            * Drag and drop works for tab headers as well, but requires moving the cursor a bit (outside the folder name text area).
            * Added email link in about page. It was previously removed because it did not work.
            * Can retain the simple glyph from Pro version while using the same config file for Pro X version. Users can copy the config.json file from Pro and paste it in the Pro X folder.
            * Attempted to fix the Theme Settings crash. Not sure if the fix will solve the issue.
            * Updated Chinese Simplified translation. (Thanks to Fairycn).
            * Miscellaneous improvements.
            **Changelog for Version 1.69 (April 28, 2022)**
            * Additional shortcut "Space" to open the selected item with an internal viewer (if supported, otherwise it opens with an external viewer)
            * Additional shortcut "Ctrl + Space" for Open With menu.
            * "Ctrl + Shift + C" copies item path if an item is selected. Otherwise, it copies the tab path as before.
            * Added shortcuts in This PC page context menu.
            * Improved reliability of shortcuts.
            * Navigation items are now called Bookmarks everywhere.
            * Fixed again: Bookmarks Editor did not have semitransparent surrounding.
            * Miscellaneous improvements.          
            **Changelog for Version 1.68 (April 26, 2022)**
            * Background of disabled buttons set to transparent.
            * Feedback heroes are added and recognized in the About page.
            * Startup improvements.
            * Miscellaneous improvements.
            * [Fixed] Pictures and devices icon disappearing from the sidebar once bookmark editor was opened (in Simple Icon Mode).
            * Pro features and enabled/disabled based on the purchase status. 
            * List of Pro Only Features:
              - Theme:
                - System (Default) Theme
                - Colorful App Theme
                - Custom Background
                - Colorful Command (Button and Dropdown) Icons
                - Colorful Bookmark Icons
                - Icon Theme for Recent Files
                - Icon Theme for Libraries, Devices, and Drives
                - Icon Theme for Files and Folders
              - Opacity Settings:
                - Overall Tint Opacity
                - Overall Opacity
                - Content Area Tint Opacity
                - Content Area Opacity
              - Item Templates:
                - Solid Background for Items
                - Simple List Thumb Size
                - Simple List Length
                - Detailed List Thumb Size
                - Tiles Thumb Size
                - Tiles Length
                - Small Grid Thumb Size
                - Medium Grid Thumb Size
                - Large Grid Thumb Size
              - Internal Viewers:
                - Internal Text Viewer
                - Internal Text Viewer Editing Options
                - Internal Image Viewer
                - Internal Image Viewer Toolbar
                - Internal PDF Viewer (Experimental)
              - Parallel File Operation            
            **Changelog for Version 1.67 (April 24, 2022)**
            * Re-enabled a feature for automatic update checking at the startup. However, it is disabled by default (CheckForUpdateAtStartup) and need to be tested.
            * Startup improvements/optimizations. Some changes might result in unintended issues. Please report if user finds any issues/bugs with the app.
            * Icons for the file, folder, library, and drive update instantly while changing the settings (except if the previously or newly selected option is the actual thumbnail).
            * Added new icons for drives and libraries in the default icon theme. The libraries icons look similar to the built in Windows 11 icons. The drive icons look different. Users might need to delete existing default icons (located in the CustomIcons folder) before the new icons show up.
            * Miscellaneous improvements.
            * Fixed: Some icons such as log viewer and progress viewer did not appear reliably.          
            **Changelog for Version 1.66 (April 21, 2022)**
            * Libraries, Devices, and Drives now follow the same icon type as This PC libraries, devices, and drives.
            * Miscellaneous improvements.
            **Changelog for Version 1.65 (April 20, 2022)**
            * Added option to select icon types for This PC page.
            * Fixed: Actual thumbnails for items were not loading without setting a proper config that was not exposed in GUI anymore.
            * Miscellaneous improvements.          
            **Changelog for Version 1.64 (April 18, 2022)**
            * Added splash screen.
            * Text find previous/next implemented in the Internal Text Viewer.
            * Added feature to use various themes for files/folders.
            * Added feature to use various theme for commands such as buttons and drop downs.
            * Added feature to use simple/colorful icons for the bookmark items. Setting simple icons from the bookmark editor does not work well yet. It does for colorful icons.
            * Cancelling renaming shows up as a mini notification instead of a prompt that shows an error.
            * Hyperlink color is more readable now. But, the hover over color is still not always readable.
            * Minor update on the initial app tour.
            * Startup improvements.
            * Fixed: "Libraries" and "Devices and Drives" expanded state on the side bar was not restoring (other bookmark folders does).
            * Fixed: Files without extension did not show a generic icon.
            * Miscellaneous improvements.
            **Changelog for Version 1.63 (April 10, 2022)**
            * Libraries will appear above the "Devices and Drives" in the side bar now. This aligns with the order in the "This PC" page.
            * "Libraries"" and "Devices and Drives" items can now have Emoji icons (instead of simple Glyph icons), colorful icons, and actual thumbnails. Live toggling may not work as expected in all scenarios. The changes should be reflected after restarting Shrestha Files Pro X. The colorful icons will be updated in the future.
            * This PC page can now show Emoji icons (instead of simple Glyph icons), colorful icons, and actual thumbnails. Live toggling may not work as expected in all scenarios. The changes should be reflected after refreshing the "This PC" page.
            * Custom icons are now organized in folders to keep them organized better.
            * When a new file, folder, or zip file are created in any tab page, the page scrolls to the new item if it is not visible (until scrolled). This should work most of the time, but may not work reliably all the time.
            * Markdown text with hyperlinks shows up again. Use of a reserved resource key (HyperlinkForeground) was the issue.
              - About page is updated so that the links for the third party licenses works again.
              - Changelog prompt now has links to the Discord server, Twitter, Youtube, etc.
              - Color of the link may not be very readable.
            * More friendly drive names such as "Local Disk" instead of "Fixed" is shown.
            * PDF file loading in the internal PDF viewer should be more reliable now. It comes with an overhead though.
            * Updated Visual State break points to account for previously added item in the tool bar.
            * Improvement: Tasks performed while upgrading the app to a newer version.
            * Improvement: Improved text reading speed.
            * Fixed: Navigating to "C:" from the address bar was loading "C:\Windows"
            * Fixed: Remove recent file button (X) was overlapping with the file name when the file name is longer.
            * Miscellaneous improvements.
            **Changelog for Version 1.62 (April 1, 2022)**
            This is the biggest update of Shrestha Files Pro X (Beta) since the first beta version was released.
            1. Colorful icon themes
              - Three colorful icon themes are added. Switch between the icon themes from the Theme Settings. Refresh pages to see the change.
              - These icon themes provides generic icons for various types of files. 
              - Enabling these icons allows files/folders to load faster (because generating actual thumbnails takes a while).
              - Users can still choose to show actual thumbnails instead of generic thumbnails from the settings.
              - Users can also choose to use very basic generic thumbnails (based on Glyph icons) that should be even faster to load.
              - Users can choose to load actual thumbnails for specific file types even when generic thumbnails are used. This is useful for file types such as images for which actual thumbnails are significantly more useful.
              - Users can create their own icon themes: 
                * Create a folder inside CustomIcons folder in the LocalState folder. 
                * Paste SVG files for various file types, e.g. for file type ".txt", add a SVG file named txt.svg. 
                * Users can download the SVG files from places such as svgrepo or icons8. Thanks to both websites! Link is not added here because Community Toolkit's MarkDown editor is not working as expected when links are added. svg repo and icons8 links are provided in the About section of the app.
                * Make sure the SVG icons does not have width and height, if they do, just remove them, e.g., update this (svg viewBox="0 0 48 48" width="240px" height="240px") to this (svg viewBox="0 0 48 48"). 
                * Also add defaultfile.svg and defaultfolder.svg. defaultfile.svg is used for all file types for which type specific SVG file is not provided. 
                * defaultfolder.svg is used for all folders. 
                * Users can also add text.svg, image.svg, audio.svg, and video.svg that will be used for corresponding formats (e.g. text.svg will be used for .txt, .json, etc. if type specific icon is not provided).
            2. Title bar should look nicer when Extend Contents to Title bar is enabled in Windows 10.
            3. Thumbnails/icons are available now for system files, hidden files, and other shortcuts .appref-ms, .url, and .wsh files. These might look blurry in grid views.
            4. Acrylic background image now stretches while maintaining proportion to avoid image distortion.
            5. Fixed PDFViewer was not opening for pdf files. Known issue: the PDF viewer sometimes does not load all pages properly.
            6. App rating feature reimplemented.
            7. App purchase feature reimplemented.
            8. App updater feature reimplemented.
            9. Added sliders in the item template settings to change simple list and tiles length.
            10. Share should work for files again! It may not support some file types such as .lnk, .url, etc.
            11. Settings should be automatically saved while closing Shrestha Files Pro X now. The reliability of this implementation needs to be tracked over time.
            12. PDF files should look sharper even when the window is slightly wider (1920).
            13. Language switching should work even after restarting the app.
            14. Miscellaneous improvements.          
            **Changelog for Version 1.61 (March 20, 2022)**
            * Fixed: Image viewer title bar issue.          
            **Changelog for Version 1.60 (March 20, 2022)**
            * Fixed: File name was showing as file extension.
            * App preview in the taskbar should now show Shrestha Files Pro X logo.
            * Fixed: Shortcuts (such as Delete button) were executing in the main window even when an internal viewer was focused.          
            **Changelog for Version 1.61 (March 20, 2022)**
            * Fixed: Image viewer title bar issue.          
            **Changelog for Version 1.60 (March 20, 2022)**
            * Fixed: File name was showing as file extension.
            * App preview in the taskbar should now show Shrestha Files Pro X logo.
            * Fixed: Shortcuts (such as Delete button) were executing in the main window even when an internal viewer was focused.
            **Changelog for Version 1.59 (March 17, 2022)**
            * Internal text, image, and pdf viewers are back in their own Windows.
            * Internal viewer settings are moved back to their own settings.
            * Added Ukrainian translation (machine translated).          
            **Changelog for Version 1.59 (March 17, 2022)**
            * Internal text, image, and pdf viewers are back in their own Windows.
            * Internal viewer settings are moved back to their own settings.
            * Added Ukrainian translation (machine translated).          
            **Changelog for Version 1.58 (March 17, 2022)**
            * Fixed crash while toggling between "extend contents into the title bar" on/off in Windows 10.
            * Fixed issue with language switching.
            * *.tmp files created by MS Office should not show up anymore.
            * Reimplemented the internal pdf viewer. But it only shows one page at a time.          
            **Changelog for Version 1.57 (March 16, 2022)**
            * Updated logo for the Pro X version.
            * The generic folder icon color changed to the familiar yellow color.
            * Tab pages now have rounded corners to make the app designing  more consistent.
            * Added additional settings for opacity.
            * Colors for the title bar and some buttons should be fixed now (when changing the theme).
            * Internal viewers settings are moved to the experimental settings page since the internal viewers cannot be opened in a separate window as of now (because of the platform limitation).
            * Additional attempt to enable extend the contents to the title bar option work as before on Windows 10 (e.g. make caption button visible).
            * Miscellaneous improvements.          
            **Changelog for Version 1.55/1.56 (March 13, 2022)**
            * Improved phasing of items to improve item loading and reduce memory usage.
            * Reimplemented the Ctrl + Mouse Wheel shortcut to change the tab view type.
            * Reimplemented the "press key to navigate" feature to scroll to an item starting with a specific letter or number. However, this will not work until a file or folder is selected in a tab. Also, the first press highlights the first item (although the correct item is actually selected).
            * Reimplemented the back and forward commands (of mouse).
            * Reimplemented the cloud drive availability feature.
            * File size is more friendly (i.e. GB MB, KB, Byte as relevant instead of just KB).
            * Improved loading of thumbnails, cloud availability status, and more descriptive file type.
            * Miscellaneous improvements.
            **Changelog for Version 1.54 (March 8, 2022)**
            * Added config option to make copied items available in the clipboard even after Shrestha Files is closed. If this option is enabled, it may take longer to copy files to the clipboard, which would be noticeable when copying a large number of files/folders.
            * Fixed: Dark and Light color themes were mixing up and some texts were unreadable. (It does not fix everything yet; some issues still exist.)
            * Miscellaneous improvements.          
            **Changelog for Version 1.53 (March 6, 2022)**
            * Internal text editor reimplemented with mini window. Full screen windows as in the Pro version is not possible in Pro X version yet because of the platform limitations.
            * Internal image viewer reimplemented now with mini window. Full screen windows as in the Pro version is not possible in Pro X version yet because of the platform limitations.
            * Additional settings saved for internal text editors.
            * Miscellaneous improvements.          
            **Changelog for Version 1.52 (March 3, 2022)**
            * Fixed: Sometimes empty folders were left while moving the folders.
            * Number of concurrent file operations (for paste operations) can be set in the config file now (set value for ConcurrentFileOperationCount). Value of -1 indicates an unlimited number of parallel file operation (although the actual operation would probably be limited by the performance of the machine).
            * Can now be launched as "sfiles" or "sfiles.exe" (e.g. from command prompt or run dialog).          
            **Changelog for Version 1.51 (February 28, 2022)**
            * Fixed crash in Windows 10 resulting from the title bar customization.          
            **Changelog for Version 1.50 (February 27, 2022)**
            * Extends content to title bar option now works well in Pro X version. 
            * A small invisible strip (15px) is also added at the top of the window for dragging the window when the title bar is hidden. 
            * The config file now has two variables to store the actual and virtual extends content to title bar option. The UI only updates the virtual extends content (as intended).
            * Small strip is also added left of the caption buttons for drag region when the title bar is hidden.          
            **Changelog for Version 1.48 (December 20, 2021)**
            * Fixed: In very specific scenarios, the app incorrectly determines that the destination folder is inside the source folder, and hence does not execute copy/paste.

            This change log history documents the updates for the original Shrestha Files Pro (Universal Windows Platform) version that is now branded as "Shrestha Files Universal". The Shrestha Files Pro X (the neXt version of Shrestha Files Pro) was developed to address the platform limitations of the original version, such as, not being able to execute .exe files, not being able to show hidden/system files, and a significant performance issue. The Shrestha Files Pro X version uses Windows Application Software Development Kit (WinAppSDK) and WinUI3 while the original version used Universal Windows Platofrm (UWP) and WinUI2.

            **Changelog for Version 1.12 (April 8, 2022)**
            * Fixed: Markdown preview with links were not working in the Internal Text Viewer and other locations.

            **Changelog for Version 1.11 (February 22, 2022)**
            * Fixed: Unable to save the default drag and drop operation as copy.

            **Changelog for Version 1.10 (October 11, 2021)**
            * Full change log in settings is now visible by default - so that Windows 11 users will see the Full Changelog if Recent Changelog with links are not visible.
            * Improved sanity check that prevents copying a folder inside multi-level subfolder of the parent folder.

            **Changelog for Version 1.9 (October 10, 2021)**
            * Improved Properties Viewer to display various item-type-specific properties such as image dimensions, duration, etc. for music, image, and video files. Some properties might be empty.
            * Properties Viewer shows date time instead of date time offset.
            * Default properties viewer width decreased to 250 (from 300).
            * Added config value to set item thumbnail size in properties pane (propertiesThumbnailSize). Default thumbnail size decreased to display more properties without scrolling.
            * Changelog page (shown after update) and shortcut list page (Ctrl + K) can now be dismissed with Escape key or clicking outside the prompt.
            * Added config option SelectItemGridDisablesShortcuts to enable navigating by keyboard to some degree. This enables selecting an item with keyboard right after navigating to a folder. However, it also blocks (disables) other shortcuts such as Ctrl+K and Alt+Left. This option is disabled by default.
            * Added Serbian-Latin (sr-Latn) and Serbian-Cyrillic (sr-Cyrl) translation. Thanks to Bzzrak!
            * Updated Italian translation. Thanks to Alessandro!

            **Changelog for Version 1.8 (October 4, 2021)**
            * Updated German translation. Thanks to Parasec!

            **Changelog for Version 1.7 (October 3, 2021)**
            * Updated Italian translation. Thanks to Alessandro!

            **Changelog for Version 1.6 (September 29, 2021)**
            * Updated Spanish translation. Thanks to David Cano!

            **Changelog for Version 1.4 (September 19, 2021)**
            * This is a general release that includes cumulative updates from previous beta releases.
            * Translation issues fixed.

            **Changelog for Version 1.3 (September 8, 2021) - (Beta Release)**
            * Fixed issue that files does not open sometimes (when any file in the folder does not have an extension)

            **Changelog for Version 1.2 (September 6, 2021) - (Beta Release)** 
            * Updated Russian translation. Thanks to Alexander (DeGekko)!
            * Properties viewer updated to use narrower width (property title above the property value).
            * Added ability to retrieve total folder size and item counts (deep) in properties viewer. 
            * Added options in config.json
              - ShowFileOperationIconsInsideTab: show/hide file operation icons inside the tabs. This is primarily for tabsontop mode off, i.e. the legacy interface.
              - LoadItemSizeDeepInProperties and LoadItemCountDeepInProperties: to load the number of files and folders inside a folder and their total size
                - will be very slow process for larger folders (such as ""C:\"). User experience will not be optimal because of the speed limitations of Storage API for UWP.
              - PropertiesPaneWidth: set the size of properties viewer pane in pixels.
            * Added option to send path as a command line parameter. Users should be able to launch the folder or add the folder to current instance of the app.
              - The syntax is "file.exe ". For example, ""file.exe C:\"
              - The tab with the supplied path will be added to the list of previously saved/open tabs.
            * App tour should show up only once now.

            **Changelog for Version 1.0 (September 1, 2021)** 
            * Thank you everyone for using Shrestha Files Pro throughout the journey! Today, we are releasing Shrestha Files Pro version 1.0. This is a huge milestone and by no means the end of the journey! If you have any feedback or bug reports, please reach out to the developer.

            **Changelog for Version 0.64.x (August 16, 2021)** 
            * Fixed: Navigation editor crashes when path is null.
            * Minor improvement.

            **Changelog for Version 0.63.x (August 16, 2021)**
            * Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
            * Fixed: Scrolls to an item when typing something while content dialog is open.

            **Changelog for Version 0.62.x (August 15, 2021)**
            * Image viewer should load image at the center now.
              * Known Issues: Zooming is not proper after an image is rotated.
            * Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
            * Accessibility improvements.

            **Changelog for Version 0.61.x (August 12, 2021)**
            * Updated language list in the settings.
            * Added feature to remove a single recent file from This PC page.
            * Added feature to set image as an app background from internal image viewer.
            * Addressbar improvement: Clicking an addressbar now highlights the path text.
              * Known issue: Context menu does not work as expected in the addressbar path mode.
            * Fixed: Search suggestion selection copies now copies file name instead of detail.
            * Fixed: Context menu did not show up in detailed tab view mode inside an empty folder.
            * Fixed: The internal PDF viewer did not launch when an item without extension exists in the current folder.
            * Typing a key will set focus on relevant item as well, not just scroll to the item.
            * MTP improvements
              * Fixed: Copy/paste and drag and drop should work again with some limitations.
              * Known Issues
                * New file cannot be created in MTP devices.
                * Dropping an item from MTP device to other location will not refresh the MTP folder (move operation).
            * Progress bar in home page upgraded to MUXC version.
            * Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.

            **Changelog for Version 0.60.x (August 10, 2021)**
            * Added new machine translated languages.
            * Pressing Enter after entering keyword in the search/filter box now executes extended search.
            * Added search icon to enable accessing search UI in the touch mode.
            * Content dialogs (such as rename dialog) now has semi-transparent background.
            * Added option to clear recent items in This PC Page.
            * Tabs are not equal width instead of SizeToContent.
            * Added option for parallel file operation.
              * Known Issue: Sometimes UI may freeze while performing a large file operation in parallel.
            * Improved Internal Viewers:
              * Image Viewer: 
                * Added Shortcuts:
                  * Ctrl + - -> Zoome out
                  * Ctrl + + -> Zoome in		
                  * Ctrl + R -> Rotate Clockwise
                  * Ctrl + Shift + R -> Rotate Counter Clockwise
                  * Ctrl + W -> Set as Desktop Wallpaper
                * Known Issue: The first loaded image does not align to center of the canvas.
              * Text Viewer:
                * Added shortcuts:
                  * Ctrl + E -> Toggle read/edit mode
                  * Ctrl + S -> Save Edits
                  * Ctrl + W -> Toggle word wrap
                  * Ctrl + M -> Turn on/off markdown preview
                  * Ctrl + - -> Decrease font size
                  * Ctrl + + -> Increase font size		
              * Audio and Video Viewers:
                * Playback pauses/stops when the window is closed.
            * Improved properties viewer positioning in the detailed tab view  mode.
            * Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
            * Thanks to Alur for a number of UI feedback.

            **Changelog for Version 0.59.x (July 27, 2021)**
            * Added option to select the Navigation Transition (animation).
            * Added context menu in This PC page:
              * Open Library, Drive, or Recent Item.
              * Open Library or Drive in new tab.
              * Show basic properties of Library, Drive, or Recent item.
              * Refresh This PC page.
            * Added option to delete files/folders permanently. Note that even if this is disabled, files may be deleted permanently (for example files from an external storage devices).
            * Various internal viewers (text, image, audio, video, and pdf viewers) can be individually set as default to open relevant files.
            * Image viewer improvements:
              * Can now zoom in/out with Ctrl + Mouse Wheel Scroll.
            * Only one warning is retained when switching themes multiple times so that user needs to dismiss only the last one if user choose not to restart the app.
            * App tour follows the app theme now.
            * Purchase option in About Settings is now hidden from Settings if the app is already purchased.
            * Selection box now has solid border instead of dashed stroke to follow File Explorer's style.
            * Fixed: Double tap in empty area to navigate to the parent folder works again.
            * Fixed: Default DragAndDrop checkbox was not getting selected automatically in the settings based on the user preference.
            * Fixed: Selected language should be shown in the Miscellaneous settings now.
            * Several improvements to address design feedback from Alur, CyberDroid1, and Parasec that includes:
              * Background color of disabled buttons are now set to the transparent color.
              * Hyperlink and markdown hyperlink foreground colors are updated to use regular text color to ensure readability.
              * Property values in the Properties viewer uses TextBlock now so that it does not appear as input field.
              * Drive space indicator (Progress bar) in This PC page now have round edges.
              * Fixed: Sliders were looking different in various settings pages.
              * Log viewer is now hidden by default. Log viewer will record and show logs only if log viewer button is enabled. 
              * Initial tab loading notification is now replaced by a less intrusive progress ring.
            * Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.

            **Changelog for Version 0.58.x (July 21, 2021)**
            * Extended search is finalized and is available to all uses by default.
            * Added Settings:
                * Added a setting to extend or not extend contents to the traditional title bar so that users can use full title bar for dragging the window if desired.
                * Added settings to show/hide 'Edit Navigation Items' and 'Save Settings' items in the Navigation bar. 
                * Added a setting to show Properties Viewer by default. The Properties Viewer will continue to show/hide based on the current state of the tab for an existing tab. For tabs created based on another existing tab, the state of the Properties Viewer visibility will be copied from the existing tab.
            * Improved internal text viewer/editor:
                * Added ability to preview markdown document.
                * Added ability to edit and save plain text documents.
                * Added ability to turn on/off word wrap.
                * Added ability to change font size.
                * Note: the text editing options are intentionally hidden for now. Right click on the top left side of the address bar to see the options.
            * Improved internal image viewer:
                * Added option to set image as desktop background.
                * Added option to zoom in/out.
                * Added option to rotate image.
                * Added option to drag image.
                * Known issue: These features are still experimental and need some improvements. While double tapping works for zooming in, double tapping while holding shift key does not work as reliably. Control + Mouse wheel may not be possible because of CoreWindow limitation.
            * Property viewer now resides inside the Tab Page and Home Page.
            * App tour has been updated to address the changes in the UI.
            * Disabled parallel file processing for file paste operation to improve stability of the UI. DispatcherQueue appears to freeze when it is overwhelmed with the parallel UI update requests from the parallel file processing requests. File operations will be slower than previous versions but will be significantly more stable for file operations involving a large number of items.
            * Search bar next to the address bar is now renamed to filter bar to better communicate the actual functionality of the control.
            * Removed dual pane prompt for new installs. Users can continue to enable/disable the dual pane mode from the settings as before.
            * Fixed: Selection box had some offset compared to the pointer location in the detailed view mode.
            * Items will not be added to the search page when tracker tries to update something.
            * Updated German Translation. Thanks to Parasec!
            * Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements.

            **Changelog for Version 0.57.x (July 8, 2021)**
            * Added ability to launch various file types such as .exe and .bat using an add-in that can be [downloaded from the Store:](https://www.microsoft.com/store/apps/9N9RH89JLDL1).
            * More efficient mechanism to update UI to show item changes (such as added new items or deleted existing items) from all tabs.
            * Fixed: Internal viewer was not opening files when at least one of the files did not have a file extension.
            * Migrated from core window dispatcher to dispatcher queue - should also reduce UI freeze when large number of files are being copied/pasted in any tab.
            * Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes. Thanks to Alur, CyberDroid1, Parasec, and Fairycn for continuous design feedback, bug reporting, feature request, and translation updates.

            **Changelog for Version 0.56.x (July 2, 2021)**
            * Added tabs on top mode. Users can switch to that mode from the general settings.
              * Known issue: Window must be dragged from a narrow strip on the top right corner of the window left of the caption (close, restore, minimize buttons) in the tabs on top mode. The tab strip footer is set as a draggable region but is not working as expected as of now.
            * Can now drop items to tab headers. 
              * Known issue: It might take some time before it allows to drop items. (Users can hover over to a tab header only after sometimes before the drop acceptance indicator is shown).	
            * When any alphanumeric key (such as "a" or "3") is pressed in a tab page, it will scroll automatically to an item whose name starts with the pressed alphanumeric character. Non alphanumeric characters are not supported at this time. Thanks to Yair for the feature request!
            * Updated Glyph icon for the address bars. The icon is now visible only in the path edit mode. Thanks to CyberDroid1 for feedback!
            * Improved context menu item visibility toggling.
            * Fixed: Free space in drives were not showing correctly in the navigation bar and/or This PC page. Thanks to CyberDroid1 for the bug report!
            * Fixed: Some minor changes to resolve app crash when navigation pane width slider is changed from the General Settings. Let the developer know if it still crashes.
            * Fixed: Address bar and status bar was not updated as expected in some scenarios. This was intentionally unlinked in earlier versions to investigate the layout cycle error that was crashing the app in some cases.
            * Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.

            **Changelog for Version 0.55.x (June 28, 2021)**
            * Updated various UI components to fit an updated WinUI version. Some UI elements will continue to be updated in the future versions.
            * Added item templates setting to change default sizes of icons for various tab view types. Thanks to FireCube for feedback on the preview!
            * Added option to view previous and next item (such as images) in the internal viewers.
            * Internal audio player now shows music cover art as the background image.
            * More robust method to show File Access Permission dialogue when relevant.
            * Enabled saving settings even if file access permission is not granted.
            * Added three levels of performance modes in config file.
            * Fixed: Drives were not loading when "Reload Drives when refreshing This PC" is disabled.
            * Fixed: Theme setting crashes in high contrast mode.
            * Fixed: Layout cycle error is hopefully be fixed.
            * Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.

            **Changelog for Version 0.54.x (June 18, 2021)**
            * Improved item layouts. Layouts are more condensed now.
            * Generic icon (Glyph icon) now uses folder with solid color to easily distinguish with the generic icons for folders. The solid color should also blend well with the theme colors.
            * Minor localization improvements.
            * Minor changes in analytics to identify the source of the layout cycle bug.
            * Fixed: Recently used item icons not visible when generic thumbnail was used.
            * Miscellaneous bug fixes.

            **Changelog for Version 0.53.x (June 17, 2021)**
            * Added option for solid background (boxy looks) for items (files, folders, drives, libraries, and recent items).
            * Added functionality to move previous and next images in the internal image viewer.
            * Uses glyph icons for folders and files instead of image icon for reduced memory consumption when actual thumbnail is not used.
            * Improved drag and drop items to navbar:
              * Can now drop folder(s) inside an existing navigation bar item to create children items (sub-items).
            * Added opacity settings for content area (Tab Page and This PC Page) background.
            * Restructured settings.
            * Improved tab view layout. 
            * Improved tab view cycle order (Ctrl + Mouse Scroll).
            * Item selection method updated with more efficient method. Thanks to Yair for feedback!
            * Unified and more robust method to obtain storagefile for copy/cut/delete/compress.
            * Improved reliability and performance of updating UI with changes in the file system.
            * Added low memory option in config that can significantly reduce memory usage. However, the low memory usage may not perform as well (e.g. thumbnails may not get updated quickly or at all sometimes for some items. Also, operations such as drag and drop will take longer to start.)
            * Fixed: File Access permission was not showing in new installation.
            **Changelog for Version 0.52.x (June 11, 2021)**
            * Added minimalist internal viewer (F6) for various file types [Pro Users Only]:
              * Audio and video - supports formats such as mp3, mp4, and wmv.
              * Image - supports formats such as png, jpg, and gif.
              * Plain text - supports formats such as txt, json, and xml.
              * Pdf - supports pdf.
            * Some notes on the internal viewer:
              * Users can add other file formats in the config file to see if that is supported. For example, text files that has other file extension can be viewed using the internal viewer.
              * Audio or video must be paused before closing the window. Otherwise, it will continue to play even after closing the window.
            * Added drag selection. Thanks to Kweku for the feature request.
              * Now need to triple click instead of double click to navigate to the parent folder.
            * Added option to show thumbnails for libraries, drives, and devices in "This PC" page. Some external devices may not show icons in the thumbnail mode.
            * Added option on the navigation bar to pin the app to the taskbar.
            * Added experimental setting to use a custom background instead of desktop (host) background in for the acrylic effect.
            * Added machine translated Polish translation.
            * Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements.

            **Changelog for Version 0.51.x (June 5, 2021)**
            * If Navigation bar shows multiple copies of "This PC", "Libraries", or "Devices and Drives", please right click and remove both copies of those items and restart the app.
            * Added compact mode under the experimental settings. Currently, it affects a few UI elements such as navigation bar item, addressbar, etc.
            * Improved devices and drives loading. If some external devices did not show up in "This PC" page before, it may show up now.
            * Improved drive loading. 
            * Improved tooltips for drives.
            * Improved localization. Thanks to Fairycn for feedback!
              * Toggle switch "On" and "Off" can also be translated now.
              * While switching language, different messages will show up depending on whether the translation is completely online or someone helped with the translation.
            * Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.

            **Changelog for Version 0.50.x (May 22, 2021)**
            * Minor improvement in drag and drop.
            * Minor improvements in analytics for better debugging.

            **Changelog for Version 0.49.x (May 20, 2021)**

            * Another attempt to solve app crash resulting from Layout Cycle bug. If the app is crashing, please email the the developer with some information on when and how the app crashes.
            * Better analytics to improve bugs identification and fixing.
            * Updated Chinese Simplified Translation. Thanks to Fairycn!

            **Changelog for Version 0.48.x (May 17, 2021)**
            * Improved extended search UI to match with the tab page.
            * Fixed Ctrl + H not working fully as expected.
            * Other miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements.

            **Changelog for Version 0.47.x (May 15, 2021)**
            * Tabs can now be dropped to a different pane. However, the destination pane must have at least one tab. Otherwise, a tab cannot be dropped there.
            * Added option to show/hide progress viewer automatically. The progress viewer show/hide button will animate/rotate once (per application launch, not per operation) to indicate the location of the log viewer if user is interested in seeing the file operation progress.
            * Share context menu is visible only when at least one item is selected.
            * Fixed: Bug that loaded replica of tabs in the second pane when opening settings.
            * Other miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements.

            **Changelog for Version 0.46.x (May 12, 2021)**
            * Can click and hold control key while dropping items to copy instead of move when default drag and drop option is move. External application such as Windows File Explorer may ask for copy or move option while dropping. Thanks to Parasec Glenkwyst for the feature request!
            * Settings pages also uses compact mode now. This mostly affects the navigation bar items in the settings.
            * Cleaned up the extra About Page (F1). Making it more minimalist.
            * Fixed: Crash resulting from Layout Cycle error.
            * Fixed: Error while trying to puchase the app in some cases.
            **Changelog for Version 0.45.x (May 10, 2021)**
            * Improved standard and hero themes.
            * A sample theme is now included in the custom theme folder.
            * Can now change the tab view type by using Control + Mouse Wheel Scroll. Thanks to Kweku for the feature request.
            * Added option to sort items by clicking on the headers in the detailed list tab view mode.	
            * Checkboxes can be turned on/off directly from selection split button inside a tab.
            * Added "Share" option in the context menu for files and folders.
            * Removed edit/pencil icon from the address bar. Thanks to Alur for the feedback!
            * Settings page now shows category titles to better communiate the category information without having to hover over the icons or navigate to the category page.
            * Breadcrumb in the addressbar can be scrolled if the content does not fit the available addressbar width.
            * Improved UI to better fit different window sizes.
            * Added experimental settings to show the number of number of files and folders and a sample list of files and folders in the preview pane. Thanks to Alur for feature request!
            * Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements.
            **Changelog for Version 0.44.x (April 25, 2021)**
            * Custom theme can be added by users now. Visit our discord server for additional themes.
            * Bug fixed for back/forward button resulting in click effect when no back or forward stack is left.
            * Miscellaneous bug fixes and improvements.

            **Changelog for Version 0.43.x (April 17, 2021)**
            * Back and forward mouse button "should" finally be working.
            * Added shortcuts to navigate back
              * Windows + Backspace
              * Gamepad B button
            * Added GUI to select all, invert selection, and clear selection.
            * Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.

            **Changelog for Version 0.42.x (April 14, 2021)**
            * Translations restored.
            * Tab view type and tab sort by icons should update more reliably.
            * Fixed sticky search/filter text issue after filtering/searching.
            * Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.

            **Changelog for Version 0.41.x (April 13, 2021)**
            * Several icons added in context menu. Now all context menu items and sub items have icons.
              * Copy Path Context Menu
              * Properties
              * Compress
              * Decompress
              * Sort By: Name/Type/Date/Size
              * View Types: Simple List/Detailed List/Small Grid/Medium Grid/Large Grid/Tiles
              * Ascending/Descending.
            * Added settings to select default sorting field and sorting order for new tabs. This will be ignored when previous tab is used to create a new tab.
            * Updated titles of settings categories (e.g. "This PC" instead of "ThisPC").
            * Removed "None" option from tab view types. Consequently, any saved tab view types for bookmarked items will be reset to simple list.
            * Rate menu will disappear from navigation bar after any future rating provided by the users. If you have already provided ratings, you can manully set RatingsProvided to true in the config file to hide the item.
            * The library items in "This PC" page and the navigation bar items (in the sidebar) will always use the view type saved in the corresponding item (in the navigation edit view).
            * As search can take quite long depending on the number of files and folders inside, the loading bar is now always visible in search page while loading items irrespective of the settings to show/hide loading bar.
            * Search page should return pages quicker now (one at a time instead of waiting for more results).
            * Added support for Windows 10 Version 1809 and newer. If you use older versions of Windows (prior than 2004) and encounter any bugs, please let us know.
            * Fixed: Crash while opening settings in some cases.
            * Fixed: Item being pasted while trying to paste path in default path settings.
            * Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.

            **Changelog for Version 0.40.x (April 5, 2021)**
            * Show device information in properties in Home Page.
            * Added opacity settings in the Theme Settings Page.
            * Added setting to change open navigation pane length.
            * Readded option to show/hide file operation icons in the title bar.
            * Fixed bug that crashed the app while opening navigation bar.
            * Improved reliability of opening the config file from the log viewer.
            * Other bug fixes and improvements.

            **Changelog for Version 0.39.x (March 24, 2021)**
            * Settings fully migrated to the new experience. 
            * Added basic property viewer (right click -> Properties). It currently shows some basic properties of a single selected file/folder or current tab folder.
            * Added experimental extended search mode. Enable it from the settings.
            * Added experimental limited support for MTP devices. Supported operations include creating folder and copying/pasting/deleting files/folders. 

              - Several features are currently unsupported which includes navigating to the parent folder, breadcrumbtrail, and moving (cutting) files/folders out of the MTP storage.

            * Saving settings file and log file should be faster now.	
            * Free and total spaces in hard drives should be shown more accurately and naturally (i.e. GB, MB, etc. as relevant) now.
            * When switching from the dual pane to single pane mode, the first pane is now selected by default. Thanks to Parasec Glenkwyst for the bug report!
            * Several new settings added in GUI:

              - Show/hide libraries, devices and drives, and recent files.
              - Reload drives every time This PC page is loaded.
              - Enable/disable delete confirmation dialogue before deleting items.
              - Default file operation for drag and drop.
              - Default page for new tabs.
              - Default view type for new tab (only applicable when specified path is set as the new tab option).
              - Show/hide cloud status. 
            * Missing tile mode added in the navigation edit page.
            * Other miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.
            **Changelog for Version 0.38.x (March 3, 2021)**
            * Remembers the last state (expanded or collapsed) of navigation bar items/subitems. However, all the expanded items will be collapsed if the navigation bar itself is collapsed.
            * Updated Settings Editor! Added shortcut Ctrl + P for the new settings editor (preview). For now, the settings icon still launches the context menu version of the settings.
            * Color Themes added in the new settings editor. These color themes are experimental and will be updated in the future. Some color theme might look better in the dark base theme while others might look better in light base theme.
            * Added option to check and install updates in the About Page.
            * Added option to set default view types for bookmarked items in the bookmark editor.
            * Improved the reliability of keyboard accelerators (shortcuts).
            * Added keyboard accelerator Ctrl + H to switch between the single pane mode and dual pane mode. Thanks to Parasec Glenkwyst for the feature request!
            * Clicking in empty space will now unselect selected items in single mode as well.
            * Most recently used (MRU) items that are not available or accessible anymore are removed to avoid continues errors in the future.
            * Updated Glyph (icon) for Pictures library. This will not show up for existing users unless the libraries are removed manually first.
            * Bug fixes.

            **Changelog for Version 0.37.x (February 23, 2021)**
            * Updated logo.
            * Added [Discord Link](https://discord.gg/nXmdRPJAdc) in About Page 
            * Updated Hungarian translation. Thanks to Kristóf Kékesi!
            * Loads thumbnail images after text to improve item loading speed.
            * Change log in about page are now displayed with markdowntextblock instead of regular textblock.
            * Improved method to track and update changes in the file system - especially delete and content change.
            * Bug fixes.

            **Changelog for Version 0.36.x (Skipped for special edition)**
            **Changelog for Version 0.35.x (February 12, 2021)**
            * Single click mode added as a result of popular demand.
            * Flyout showing icons in Navigation bar edit view will now dismiss after selecting an icon.
            * About Page now shows more information in selected language.
            * Added analytics to understand and improve user experience.
            * Added analytics to get handled exceptions (errors).
            * Updated German Translation. Thanks to Parasec Glenkwyst!
            * Date column is listed before Type column in detailed view mode to match Windows File Explorer's default behavior. Thanks to mgkai for feedback!
            * Fixe bug that crashed the app when dragging multiple folders to the navigation bar.
            * Link to the [Home Page](https://JPTGamesAndApps.Github.io/ShresthaFiles/) for Shrestha Files Added 

            **Changelog for Version 0.34.x (Unreleased)**
            * Updated sizes for this PC (Home Page) items. Thanks to Chomu_ for feedback!
            * When dragging and dropping items in the same folder, it does not copy/move items anymore. Thanks to Chomu_ for feedback!
            * Initial implementation of back and forward button in mouse to navigation back and forward. Let the developer know if it still does not work.
            * Improved change tracker when items are deleted from outside the app.
            * Added translations in Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Czech, French, German, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spaish, and Turkish. The translations are based on Google Translation, so some of the translations could be confusing and/or misleading.
            * Bug Fixed: Updated method to set panel background transparency in dual pane mode to fix the crash caused by the Layout Cycle bug.
            * Other bug fixes.

            **Changelog for Version 0.33.x (February 8, 2021)**
            * Added update checker. Updates are checked every time Shrestha Files loads.
            * Added single click mode in config file.
            * Thanks to Parasec Glenkwyst for German (de-DE) Translation.
            * Added translator names in About page.
            * Bug fixes
            * Note: If recent updated added repeated items (such as This PC) in the side bar, please remove the repeated once by right clicking on the item, and keep the first ones.

            **Changelog for Version 0.32.x (February 6, 2021)**
            * Automatically checks for an udpated version of the app in the store and prompts to install if newer version is available.
            * Fixed crash while upgrading from older version (before v0.30 to later version)
            * Fixed other bugs.

            **Changelog for Version 0.31.x (February 5, 2021)**
            * Fixed serious bug introduced while adding the translations. The bug resulted in the failure of all file operations. The developer apologizes for the serious bug.

            **Changelog for Version 0.30.x (February 5, 2021)**
            * Improved Navigation Bar Edit View:
              * Item borders are now hidden for cleaner interface.
              * Icon choices now displayed in a grid instead of a long list.
              * Note that once the icon is selected, user needs to click outside the pop up to dismiss the pop up.
            * Shows notification that the source and destination file cannot be same when replace option is set.
            * Resources for all the language should be included by default in the application now! This will enable switching languages without having to download additional project resources.
            * Fixed: Crash sometimes while switching theme.

            **Changelog for Version 0.29.x (February 1, 2021)**
            * File access permission prompt should not show up if at least one drive was accessed successfully.
            * Fixed: App crashes when changing the tab view type before item loading is complete.
            * Fixed: App crashes when trying to open a file that may not exist anymore.
            * Several other bug fixes.

            **Changelog for Version 0.28.x (January 31, 2021)**
            * First release of the free version with some limitations!
            * Re-added browse location for permission in Settings for devices such as XBox and Windows 10X that may not have File Access Permission Settings.
            * Bug fixes.

            **Changelog for Version 0.27.x (January 30, 2021)**
            * You app settings might be reset after the udpate. A back up config will be saved in the Application folder (LocalState) if users desire to copy some settings manually.
            * Draggable area improvements - More areas to drag/move windows:
              * Draggable region on the top right side of the screen is now wider. Thanks to feedback from @Zen.
              * Small draggable region added on the left end of the title bar as well.
              * Can also drag from the top of the title bar (only a narrow portion).	
              * Search box is now hidden in home page (as it does not do anything in the home page).
              * Search box is now narrower while browsing folders. 
            * Navigation bar (side bar) improvements:
              * Navigation bar can now be opened from context menu of navigation bar as well.
              * Added tooltips for the navigation bar items.
              * Drives in the navigation bar shows progress bar indicating the used space. Thanks to @FireCube for feedback!
              * More robust navigation bar.
            * Added tooltip for items in the homepage.
            * Theme engine improvements.
            * Single click selection mode added in the home page. Thanks to feedback from @Zen.
            * Enter key now opens file/folder.
            * Prompt to choose dual pane or single pane mode at the first launch after file access permission is provided.
            * App tour at the first launch after file access permission is provided.	
            * App reset option added in the About Page.
            * Improved local network browsing - the breadcrumbs works now.
            * Dual pane separator is thinner by default now. Its thickness can be customized in the config file (for thicker or even thinner pane separator).
            * Mini notification added at the launch to indicate that the tabs and settings are loading. If many tabs are open this will let users know that the tabs are being loaded.
            * Navigating away from a tab that is still loading (i.e. still enumerating files and folders) should be quicker and more reliable now.
            * Fixed: Sometimes Search/Filter clearing (x) does not update the result as expected in dual pane mode.
            * Fixed: Overlapping breadcrumb and path after path is entered (Enter) to browse to the path.
            * Miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.

            **Changelog for Version 0.26.x (January 16, 2021)**
            * Added context menu option to open selected folder in a new tab.
            * Updated the Most Recent Items View in the Home Page to use the tile view with thumbnails.
            * Supercharged About Dialogue with keyboard shortcuts, changelogs, and more.
            * Improved Breadcrumbtrail with MDL2 ">" icon. 
            * Added "This PC" icon at the beginning of breadcrumbtrail similar to the ones in the Windows File Explorer.
            * Acrylic removed from the progress viewer and log viewer. Thanks too @FireCube for feedback!
            * Icon for new file updated for improved consistency.
            * Configuration file reading mechanism updated. It tries to read regular config file. If it fails, it reverts back to config file that was previously read successfully. If that fails, it reverts to default config.
            * Updated mechanism to show/hide breadcrumb and path.
            * Fixed: Paste does not work sometimes when copying files from external applications. sometimes external applications can set the paste option wiht link as one of the options.
            * Fixed: Grid splitter shows bidirectional (instead of four directional) arrow pointer while hovering over grid splitter in dual pane mode. Thanks to Kristóf Kékesi for the bug report!
            * Fixed: Grid splitter color now uses theme-relevant color while dragging and mouseover. Thanks to Kristóf Kékesi for the bug report!
            * Fixed: File Access Permission prompt should show now show up when the app is launched for the first time and file access permission has not been enabled yet. Thanks too @FireCube for bug report/feedback!
            * Fixed: Minimize, maximize, and close buttons on the title bar now have contrasting colors in various all themes. Thanks to matthewotten for the feedback.
            * Fixed: Double tapping an item sometimes navigates to the parent folder instead of opening double tapped item.

            **Changelog for Version 0.25.x (January 1, 2021)** 
            * Added proper tool tip descriptions for all buttons and context menus.
            * When any picture is opened from the app, users will be able to browse to other photos in the Folder (in Windows Photos app).
            * Added notification when saved settings cannot be read.
            * Improved breadcrumb generation by relying on path solely instead of StorageFolder.
            * Keyboard Accelerators (shortcuts) should finally work reliably.
            * Added the app icon on the empty draggable area (top right corner of the app) for trial users.
            * Changelog window can be dismissed by tapping outside (so that users don't have to scroll to the end to click Ok).
            * Reduced memory usage by caching instead of using memory.
            * Fixed: Bug extra libraries and disks are added while refreshing home page.

            **Changelog for Version 0.24.x (December 28, 2020)** 

            This is one of the major updates with a significant number of improvements and bug fixes.

            * General Interface *
            * After the app is updated, the most recent changelog is displayed directly in the app.
            * Updated and improved Welcome and About Windows.
            * Purchase option added in the trial expired message.

            * Navigation Bar *
            * Libraries now have Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Pictures, Music, and Videos. The Desktop link does not work in Windows 10X (not Windows 10).
            * The library items now use path instead of StorageFolder. This will increase their reliability and enable the use of change trackers for the library folders.
            * Improved code base to load drives in the navigation bar and home page.
            * Does not navigate to "This PC" anymore when clicking to parent navigation items (such as Libraries) that has child items.
            * While adding bookmarks in the navigation item bar (Ctrl+D), a unique name is generated to avoid any issue later.

            * File Operations *
            * Improved progress count behavior when "If File Exist in Destination -> Skip" option is selected.
            * Added Progress Indicator for Compression and Decompression operations.
            * Improved sanity check for file operations. Now also checks if an item is being replaced by itself (when "If File Exist in Destination" -> "Replace" is checked).
            * Does not create empty folders in Recycle bin anymore while moving items.
            * More streamlined notifications of file operations. Start and completion of file operations are logged now. File operation errors are also logged now.

            * Miscellaneous *
            * Background tracker for tabs in the second pane is removed when switching from dual pane to single pane mode.
            * Cleaned up start up tasks for improved performance.
            * Updated the minimum OS version to Windows 10 Version 2004 (20H1).

            * Other Fixes *
            * Fixed: Keyboard Accelerators not executing at all or not executing in the correct tab when the tab is empty.
            * Fixed: Crash while dragging a file to navigation bar.
            * Fixed: Sometimes tab header does not change from "This PC" to correct title.
            * Fixed: Crash loop at the launch of the app in certain scenarios.
            * Fixed: Decompression not working.
            * Fixed: Error caused in some instances where UI updates are marshaled from a different thread.
            * Fixed: Crash when clipboard cannot be accessed to enable/disable paste option.            
            * Other bug fixes and improvements.

            **Version 0.23.x (December 14, 2020)**
            * Updated Navigation bar item edit UI (wider UI to ease path entry and viewing)
            * Improved file/folder drag and drop. Can drop items inside a folder now, not just inside a tab page.
            * Can drag folders to navigation bar to pin it there.
            * Updated About dialogue UI and content.
            * Fixed crash that occurs when loading invalid path from saved tabs at the start of the app.
            * Updated Microsoft UI XAML Control (MUXC) Dependency to 2.5

            **Version 0.22.x (November 30, 2020)**
            * This version focuses primarily on performance improvements and bug fixes.
            * Added clickable breadcrumb trails inside the tabs in the dual pane mode.
            * Hides purchase option if already purchased.
            * Adjusted tile sizes to display file/folder name in up to two lines.
            * Does not rely solely on tracker change for changes made from inside the app. Much reliable internal file change is developed for file operations from within the app itself.
            * Updated navigation logic to improve reliability.
            * Improved multi-threading to keep the UI more responsive while loading items, during file operations, and while updating the tabs with external changes in the file system. The experience should be notably smoother now.
            * Further simplified tab header setting process to improve its reliability.
            * Many other changes to improve performances and bug fixes.                      

            **Version 0.21.x (November 15, 2020)**
            * Back and forward navigation icons will be enabled/disabled as relevant.
            * Reverted the fast loading option to an experimental status as it appear to cause some issues sometimes.
            * Will open file/folders faster on double click double click.
            * Various view types for libraries are assigned (e.g. if you open pictures library from the navigation bar, it will open with large grids irrespective of default tab view setting). If this is not a fresh install, you will need to reset (delete) your configuration file or edit the config file for it to work.
            * Removed file access permission request messages other than for the first launch.
            * Context menu improvements.
            * File operation progress viewer will not close automatically anymore to let users' close it at their convenience.
            * Improved error logging in file operation progress viewer.
            * Can now show/hide progress logging for each operation.
            * File permission keyboard accelerator (shortcut) (Ctrl+P) removed.
            * Added tool tip for file/folders to easily view file name and other details in any tab view type. This may not be accurate in the fast loading mode.
            * Improved background tracker's reliability. When automatic change trigger/update fails, the alternative tab refresh should work better than before after file operations. It still needs some improvements.
            * Code cleanup to improve reliability for further development.
            * Other bug fixes and improvements.

            **Version 0.20.x (November 1, 2020)**
            * Updated file operation (such as copy/paste/cut) speed with updated codebase.
            * More detailed file operation progress reporting is available in the progress viewer.
            * Re-enabled manual change trigger after file operations such as new file and new folder creation to improve auto refreshing of the tab contents.
            * Added configuration option for acrylic tint opacity (not exposed via GUI yet).
            * Teaching tips added to launch file access permission settings at the beginning if such access is not enabled.
            * Fixed: Typing path in address bar was not loading the path in the tab in certain scenarios.
            * Other miscellaneous improvements and bug fixes.

            **Version 0.19.x (October 29, 2020)**
            * This is the most significant update of the app to date. A significant portion of codebase is rewritten/updated to improve item loading speed, more future proof configuration files, and improved auto change tracker to reflect item changes.
            * For faster loading, let Windows index the directories you frequently visit. Folders added in any Windows Libraries (such as Documents) are automatically indexed by default.
            * Settings from previous version will be backed up in the application folder but cannot be imported automatically because of the significant changes in the codebase.
            * Windows limits the number of background tracker that needs to keep the folder view updated (to about 20 trackers at a time for an app). If too many tabs are open (say more than 20), the background tracker will not work for new tabs unless older tabs are closed. File/folders views will not be updated automatically in such cases.

            **Detailed changelog for this version.**
            * Significant improvement in loading speed for indexed folders.
            * Notable improvement in loading non-indexed folders as well.
            * More professional file and folder icons.
            * When switching the view types, thumbnails are automatically reloaded to provide optimum thumbnail quality without having to refresh the tab.
            * Increased item viewing area in non-detailed-list view mode (the area for headers for detailed view will collapse in other views).
            * Tab header icon removed to optimize the use of screen real estate.
            * Added option to view full log file.
            * Log file location moved to temporary folder so that older logs will be deleted automatically.
            * Added option to view configuration file directly from the log viewer.
            * Added option to view application data folder from the log viewer.
            * Added option to enable/disable various types of logs in the log viewer. Log file will include all types of logs irrespective of this setting.
            * Major changes to improve the tab information model storing, loading, and processing mechanism.
            * Major changes to improve storage item display and update.
            * Significant improvements on change tracking to reflect the changes in the file/folders instantly (without refresh).
            * Improved navigation bar item codes/logics.
            * Removed folder loading/navigation animations to improve loading speed.
            * Added shortcut Ctrl + T for new tab in the current view.
            * Status bar shows the number of items more reliably while loading new folder.
            * Address under the tab is visible only in dual pane mode.
            * Items are presorted from query directly whenever possible to speed up tab loading.
            * The navigation pane open/close state is saved in configuration.
            * Fixed: Most recently used list loading failing when an item cannot be accessed.
            * Many other improvements and bug fixes.

            **Version 0.18.x (October 11, 2020)**
            * This is one of the major updates to this app since the first release!
            * If icons do not appear as expected in the navigation bar, please restart the app.
            * Added Home Page (This PC) with Libraries, Drives, and Recent Files list.
            * Title bar removed to optimize the use of screen real estate.
            * Added zip file extraction feature.
            * One click editing of path in the address bar.
            * Improved method to add drives to the navigation bar.
            * If no tab is loaded, clicking the navigation bar item will open a new tab.
            * Ignores content change tracking by default to improve performance.
            * Updated mechanism to display icons which will enable the use of more icons than before.
            * Added option to update default page for new tabs (not exposed in GUI yet).
            * Fixed: Libraries not showing up when app is launched for the first time.
            * Fixed: Bread crumb trail sometimes not created until user clicks on one of the panes even after navigating to a different location.
            * Fixed: Creates unique folder name if file with the same name exist. UWP has a limitation of not being able to create folder with the same name as an existing file name.
            * Miscellaneous improvements

            **Version 0.17.x (October 6, 2020)**
            * Added feature to change theme manually.
            * Changed the selection mode option to checkbox to simplify the option.
            * Updated the view modes sizes.
            * Improved consistency of address bar and search bar while hovering.
            * Settings pane reorganization/improvement.
            * Added icon to indicate that the items in the navigation bar can be moved.
            * Backs up previous settings when updated version of the app is launched. This will help manually restore some of the settings automatic restore fails.
            * Documentations are copied to the app folder.
            * Offers to open change log when the version is updated.
            * Offers to open read me document when installed for the first time.
            * Separated progress viewer and log viewer. Improved progress and log viewer show/hide logic.
            * Improved logging.

            **Version 0.16.x (September 28, 2020)**
            * Can reorder navigation bar items from the edit navigation items view.
            * Six view types are available now: Simple Lists, Detailed Lists, Small Grids, Medium Grids, Large Grids, and Tiles.
            * Removed preset resize pane icon.
            * Browse Folder Option for Permission removed.
            * Added acrylic background in more areas of the application.
            * Improved reliability of change tracker.
            * Path and Search Box borders removed for minimalistic view.
            * Folder size not displayed as "0 KB" anymore.

            **Version 0.15.x (September 6, 2020)**
            * Ratings option added
            * Purchase option added
            * Single Pane Mode Added

            **Version 0.14.x (September 5, 2020)**
            * Added context menu to open pinned navbar item in a new tab.
            * Added context menu to unpin navbar item.
            * Improve tracker reliability to keep the tabs updated.
            * Updated the "CDRom" to "DVD Drive" for all spinning drives in the navigation bar.
            * Shows build number in the About Window
            * Added View Type option in the context menu
            * Added Sort by option in the context menu
            * Added checkbox mode for item selection (useful for touch screens)
            * Added Date for Folders
            * Compress context menu is visible only if items are selected
            * Fixed: Libraries goes missing from the navigation bar.
            * Fixed: Navigation item does not work when first item does not have subitems and the following one does.

            **Version 0.13.x (August 30, 2020)**
            * Implemented progressive loading by loading 100 items at a time to improve loading folders with a large number of items (>500). Sorting will not work perfectly as the folder loads, but the items will be resorted once everything loads. Thus, users will be able to see some files/folders as loading continues even if not sorted as desired.
            * Improved reliability of quick loading. The previous quick loading option is now used in all cases.
            * Added a loading time logger to measure loading performance.
            * File/folder change notification removed. The log viewer shows a log instead.
            * Fixed bug that showed an error message while loading a library.
            * Fixed bug that showed an error message while loading an empty folder.
            * Minor bug fixes and code cleanup.

            **Version 0.12.x (August 23, 2020)**
            * Sorting maintained when tab is updated with file content change
            * Tab refresh will work even if an item(s) is selected
            * Zip compression feature added
            * Tracker improvements after file operations
            * Bug fix: Rename did not remove existing item from the list.
            * Bug fix: App crash while trying to refresh after file operations such as rename.

            **Version 0.11.x (August 19, 2020)**
            * Mini notifications added for file operations
            * Added Open with Option
            * Updated shortcuts: F3 will open a file/folder; F4 will show "Open With" dialogue box for files and launch Windows File Explorer for folders
            * Launch the app from command line by typing "file"
            * Bug fix: keyboard shortcuts/accelerators were not working sometimes

            **Version 0.10.x (August 13, 2020)**
            * Added Info Panel (Log Viewer and Progress viewer). Click on the "*" button on the status bar.
            * Log viewer and progress viewer can be collapsed or made visible as desired by clicking on the headers.
            * Progress bar can now be manually closed. More improvements on the progress bar.
            * Progress bar cancel button disappears automatically after the operation is complete.
            * Improved log reporting in the log viewer. Added button to clear log.
            * Informational dialogue boxes are replaced with teaching tips versions for more stability.
            * More intuitive experience of right clicking as in Windows File Explorer, i.e. right clicking will update the selected items (if the item is already selected, nothing happens, if the item is not already selected, the item will be selected and other items will be unselected).
            * Various context menu items are visible depending on whether any item is selected.
            * More intuitive left click behavior, i.e. left clicking on empty area will unselect existing selections.
            * Displays licensing status on the title bar. Added notifications for expired trials.
            * Initialization code improvements.
            * (Experimental) Implemented automatic folder tracking to keep folder contents of tabs up to date even when files are changed from outside the app. 
            * Implemented forced auto refresh to ensure folder contents of tabs are up to date after file operations even if automatic folder tracking fails.

            **Version 0.9.x (August 2, 2020)**
            * Navigation items can now have category items and subitems
            * Drives automatically added to the navigation items
            * Toolbar items moved to title bar for cleaner look and optimum utilization of screen space
            * Items sorting added. Persistent sorting saved for each tab
            * Added context menu (new folder, new file, copy, cut, paste, rename, delete, copy path, etc.)
            * Cleaner settings pane
            * View type uses cleaner dropdown instead of toggle bar
            * Added tab loading progress indicator (and option to show/hide the indicator)
            * Generic/Actual File and Folder thumbnail loading option added
            * Can click anywhere in the empty space in the address bar for editing mode.
            * Text in input dialogue selected by default to ease inputs.
            * Experimental quick loading added (dates and sizes may not load. sorting may not work well.)
            * Bug fixes

            **Version 0.8.x (July 26, 2020)**
            * Tab size fits header text instead of being equal sized.
            * Application wide Compact mode (e.g. more rows of data fits on the screen).
            * Bread crumb trail address bar (i.e., address bar is clickable).
            * Drag and drop mode changed to move/cut instead of copy.
            * Refreshes both source and destination folder after moving files/folders. Refresh also works while dropping files in a folder in the same tab view.
            * Added feature to cancel file operation.
            * Fixed: Tab view was reset after file operation.

            **Version 0.8.x (July 19, 2020)**
            * Customizable navigation bar item list.
            * Added acrylic background for navigation view.
            * Resizable panels. The panel sizes are saved and restored with other settings.
            * Resizable columns in list view mode. Column sizes are saved and restored with other settings.
            * Drag and drop improvements.

            **Version 0.7.x**
            * Saves and restores session (tabs and settings)
            * Added Navigation Bar with Standard Libraries (document, music, video, pictures)
            * Added Drag and Drop Support
            * Clipboard support for file operation (copy/cut/delete/paste)
            * Sanity check before copying/moving files
            * File operations progress indicator improvements
            * Much improved navigation
            * Added alert for empty folders
            * Improved search box
            * Three panel size options
            * Added button for file access privacy setting
            * Lots of bug fixes